NLRP1 Gene Ontology

Gene ontology terms for the NLRP1 gene were found using the program AmiGO [1]. Gene ontology's main goal is to unify the representation of gene and gene product functionality across all species.

Biological Process: 
Activation of caspase activity
Defense response
Induction of apoptosis
Neuron apoptosis
Regulation of apoptosis

Cellular Component

Molecular Function:
ATP binding
Caspase activator activity
Enzyme binding
Nucleotide binding
Protein binding


Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease associated with the loss of pigment to skin and hair. The phenotype of this disease comes as a direct result of the body's immune system acting on itself. Melanocytes are destroyed via apoptosis (cell death). Apoptosis is the end result of an over-reactive caspase cascade caused by mutations with the NRLP1 gene. Unsurprisingly, many of these cell death descriptors are found in the gene ontology of vitiligo. 


[1] Day-Richter J, Harris MA, Haendel M, Gene Ontology OBO-Edit Working Group, Lewis SOBO-Edit--an ontology editor for biologists. BioinformaticsAug 2007;23(16):2198-200.
This Web site was created as a project for Genetics 677 at UW-Madison, Spring 2010.

May 16, 2010. Sarah Hamilton.